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New on YouTube: VTest for Schools

In today’s globalized world, mastering English is more essential than ever, especially for students in school. Watch the exciting new video to learn about VTests' core values on this journey of growth and achievement for young learners.

Core values at VTest:

Delve deeper to learn how VTest English can be a game-changer for students, schools, and teachers alike. The video highlights what makes VTest English exceptional. It’s not just about measuring proficiency; it’s about unlocking potential and fostering a love for learning and the English language. If you're looking for effective ways to enhance the classroom experience, understanding the core values of VTest can make a world of difference.

Key features of VTest for Young learners, as showcased in the YouTube video:

  1. Exciting collaborations with schools worldwide to evaluate student's progress and define their educational goals.

  2. Supporting teachers in delivering high quality education.

  3. Promoting a positive attitude towards learning.

  4. Building strong connections between educators and learners.

  5. Encouraging curiosity and creativity.

  6. Helping student to approach each task with optimism.

  7. Celebrating effort and achievement.

Let’s embark on this journey to redefine success and to celebrate learning.

A Look at Burlington VTest for Schools

Learn more about Burlington VTest for Schools, a reliable, cost effective, flexible assessment tool in the latest YouTube video. A new generation of tests aligned with the CEFR, to assess young learners’ English abilities. Designed by a team of assessment professionals for students from the ages of 7-15.

What makes Burlington VTest for Young Learners unique:

  • Test all four of the skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking

  • VTests’ modularity means that you can choose to assess a different combination of skills or all four skills in one test.

  • The assessment is adaptive to the students’ level.

  • Including engaging tasks that rewards students proficiency.

  • Educators receive a detailed report of each students results within 24 hours and a group level report.

  • VTest can be used any time of the year for placement, progress monitoring, and certification.

  • VTest can be taken anytime, anywhere and on different devices.


Watch the video on YouTube: Burlington VTest for Schools

We look forward to partnering with you on your journey to achieving your learning and assessment goals! For more information, visit our website:


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